內容物:單罐入 x 2;茶包12入/罐
內容物:單罐入 x 2;茶包12入/罐
The rich and exquisite floral and bird embroidery, crafted with red silk as the base, is complemented by a brick-red auspicious double gift box, conveying joy and celebratory sentiments. The most exquisite part of the horizontal batch, "Peacock Feathers", is the main visual, bringing out the image of "auspicious omen".In addition, flowers, plants, trees, and birds and warblers are surrounded by the surroundings, showing the scene of all things growing and prospering. This gift box combines traditional and modern elegance. It is the perfect gift choice and highly recommended.搭配茶品:白玉蘭包種茶/桂花烏龍茶
{茶日子 Dae by Day } 以台灣茶為基底, 依不同時節搭配嚴選自世界各地優質產區生產的原料, 按一定比例調配而成的複方茶, 品質穩定, 茶香甘醇。
{茶日子Dae by Day } 台湾茶をベースとしており、 季節ごとに世界各地の優良産地から厳選された原料を、 一定の比率でブレンドしたブレンドティーは、 安定した品質で、 芳醇な香りがします。
{ Dae by Day } Based on pure Taiwan grown teas, infused throughout the seasons with top quality ingredients sourced from premium regions around the world. Compound teas created meticulously according to optimal proportions, our blends offer lasting quality and incomparable, lasting flavors.
※ 產品通過 SGS 檢驗合格
※ 商品は SGS 検査に合格しています
※ Our products have passed SGS certification
台灣話 [ 茶 Dae ] 的發音近似 Day喝茶就像過日子。 一口茶, 慢慢喝, 日子有味日子也許不完美。
一口茶, 慢慢喝, 苦後回甘
{ 茶日子 Dae by Day }以 「過好日」 為概念, 為你挑好茶好日子, 定義可自己決定茶日子, 喝茶不用挑日子因為365日, 日日是好日
台湾語の茶 ( Dae ) の発音は Day ( 日々 ) に似ています。お茶を飲むことはちょうど日々を過ごすことと似ていて,一口ずつ, ゆっくりと飲んで,味わいます。思い通りに行かない日々もあるけれど,一口ずつ, ゆっくりと飲んで, 苦みの後に甘みが広がります。
{茶日子Dae by Day }は新しいライフスタイル,「良い日を過ごす」をコンセプトに,あなたにぴったりのお茶を。良い日の過ごし方は, 自分で決められます。茶日子,毎日がお茶を飲むのに良い日です。日々是好日だからです。
In Taiwanese, “tea” is pronounced [ dae ], which sounds like “day”. Drinking a soothing cup of tea is a way to savor every moment as we enjoy each passing day. While things may not always go our way, a cup of aromatic tea can always be counted on to imbue the day with an extra hint of sweetness.
{ Dae by Day } is not just a drink - it’s a lifestyle. A soothing sip of tea each day caters to our wellbeing. How we pass each day is up to us - but tea is there no matter what path we take. With Dae by Day, every day is a good day.