常玉相框燈-梅 Plum Blossom Wooden Light Box

NTD 1,280 NTD 1,280


商品內容:實木燈框、玻璃、Micro USB線



"Plum Blossom" is a painting that combines the unsophisticated elegance of Chinese paintings and the bright vivid color characteristic of Western paintings. Multi-colored overlays are used to create an exquisite sense of space. Antler-like stems stand still in the center of the picture, enlivening the plum blossoms and the bird.Authorized by The National Museum of History, Dionysus Crafts Co., Ltd. harmonized the famous painting "Plum Blossom" (collection number 26889) into a wooden light box. The carefully designed size and shape make it fit for being placed at different places to create a unique artistic ambiance at home.


  • 使用USB供電,可使用行動電源、手機充電器或連接電腦。
  • 抽換燈片時,請直接用手將玻璃片輕輕推出即可。


  • 圖片與實品會因拍攝光和每台電腦、手機會有些許的色差,且個人對顏色認知不盡相同,產品顏色請以實品為主。
  • 手工組裝木製品,請小心輕放,請勿放置潮濕與高溫處。
  • 使用前請確認電壓是否符合本產品工作電壓,使用不適當的電壓可能損壞產品並帶來安全問題。
  • LED模組不可更換,私自拆解產品將會導致不可復原的損壞。
  • 長期不使用時,應將開關關閉及不與電源連接。
  • 為保障您的權益,若收到商品時,發現不是您訂購的產品,或破損瑕疵現象,請拍照聯絡客服人員判定退換貨事宜。
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