常玉風鈴-梅 Plum Blossom Wind Chime

NTD 1,680 NTD 1,680


重量: 776g



"Plum Blossom" is a painting that combines the unsophisticated elegance of Chinese paintings and the bright vivid color characteristic of Western paintings. Multi-colored overlays are used to create an exquisite sense of space. Antler-like stems stand still in the center of the picture, enlivening the plum blossoms and the bird.Authorized by The National Museum of History, Dionysus Crafts Co., Ltd. harmonized the famous painting "Plum Blossom" (collection number 26889) into the profoundly deep black wind chime, enhancing the elegance and beauty of the masterpiece. The precisely tuned wind chime sways in the breeze; the pleasant melodies express our affections for Sanyu.




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