開箱─國立歷史博物館「中華文物箱」檔案彙編(一九六九─一九八六) Unpacking Culture: The Chinese Cultural Chests in the National Museum of History: Selected Archives (1969-1986)

NTD 500


2021 年 11 月出刊
尺寸:27x20 公分



Unpacking Culture: The Chinese Cultural Chests in the National Museum of History: Selected Archives (1969-1986)Between the 1970s and 1980s, the Chinese Cultural Chests which produced by the museum had contributed greatly to Taiwan’s cultural diplomacy, foreign relations and as a precious instrument in the introduction of the country’s progressive development and prosperity to the rest of the world. Thus, it holds an important part in the country’s memories. To fulfil the function of a museum, the National Museum of History started to treat this topic as a research project and conducted archive searches aiming to document the information as a publication through the cooperation of related government agencies such as the Executive Yuan, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Overseas Community Affairs Council, Academia Historica, etc. In doing so, these well documented historical data not only can be used as the success of Taiwan’s cultural diplomacy evidences but also for the discovery and future research of the country’s foreign relations development. At that, the Chinese Cultural Chests project exerted the influence of the museum as a cultural place to collect, preserve, provide and consume of meaningful items and artifacts.