●尺寸:直徑96 x 高94mm
This product is authorized by the National Museum of History by use SANYU's paintings.
●尺寸:直徑96 x 高94mm
This product is authorized by the National Museum of History by use SANYU's paintings.
【好玻 GOODGLAS】為台灣工藝品牌,藉由創意與玩心,讓生活多一點色彩與獨特。玻璃杯圖像擷取自常玉【花】,以午睡中的小貓為概念,小貓在夢裡走入可愛的花花世界,展開幸福午後時光。杯型設計運用玻璃浮凸效果,讓小貓趴在浮凸線上,如同畫作裡趴在桌面上的場景。
The product design is inspired by Sanyu's painting "Flowers." The image is based on a napping cat, depicting the cat joyfully wandering in its dream, enjoying a blissful afternoon. The cup design incorporates a raised glass effect, with the cat lying on the embossed lines, resembling the scene in the painting where it rests on the table.內容物:
SANYU was one of the earliest Chinese artists to study in Paris. His works combine Chinese and Western art features, often using simple and powerful lines, shapes and contours to present a unique personal style. The paintings are simple and simple in color, and the nude girls, plants and flowers, and animal scenery are the three major themes.